On this page:
5.1 Page template
5.2 Post template
5.3 Index template
5.4 Template Example
5.5 General Template Tips
5.5.1 Use |s to delimit template variables
5.5.2 Use local-require in templates
5.5.3 Literal @
5.5.4 More
5.6 Widgets
older/  newer-links

5 Templates🔗ℹ

A Page template is used to define the overall html element for all generated pages. Some types of pages also use a nested Post template or an Index template.

Frog uses the Racket web-server/templates system based on @ Syntax. This means that the files are basically normal HTML format, with the ability to use @ to reference a template variable — or indeed to "escape" to arbitrary Racket code.

In contrast to most templating systems, you have a full programming language available should you need it. However most of what you need to do will probably be very simple, such as the occasional if or when test, or perhaps defineing a helper function to minimize repetition.

5.1 Page template🔗ℹ

The "page-template.html" template specifies an <html> element used by Frog to generate every page on your site.

Anything in the file that looks like @variable or @|variable| is a template variable supplied by Frog. Most of these should be self-explanatory from their name and from seeing how they are used in the default template.

template variable

contents : string?

The contents of the page.

template variable

title : string?

The title of the page (for <title>).

template variable

description : string?

The description of the page (for <meta> content element).

template variable

keywords : string?

The keywords for the page (for <meta> keywords element).

template variable

uri-prefix : string?

Effectively (or (current-uri-prefix) "").

template variable

uri-path : string?

The path portion of the URI, e.g. /path/to/file.html.

template variable

full-uri : string?

The full URI, e.g. http://example.com/path/to/file.html.

template variable

atom-feed-uri : string?

The full URI to the Atom feed.

template variable

rss-feed-uri : string?

The full URI to the RSS feed.

template variable

tag : (or/c string? #f)

If an index page, the name of the index (such as "All Posts" or "Posts tagged foo").

template variable

tags-list-items : string?

HTML text having a <li> for every tag on the blog, suitable for putting in a <ul>. Each <li> has a link to that tag’s index page.

template variable

tags/feeds : string?

HTML text having, for each tag, a link to its index page and a link to its Atom feed.

template variable

rel-prev : (or/c string? #f)

Next related page, if any.

@(when rel-prev @list{<link rel="next" href="@|rel-next|">})

template variable

rel-next : (or/c string? #f)

Previous related page, if any.

@(when rel-next @list{<link rel="prev" href="@|rel-prev|">})

5.2 Post template🔗ℹ

The "post-template.html" template determines how blog posts are laid out on pages that are dedicated to one post. The default template defines an <article> element.

For pages that are blog posts, the result of "post-template.html" becomes most of the @|contents| variable in the Page template. In other words, the post template is effectively nested in the page template. (They are two separate templates so that the page template can also be used for pages that are not blog post pages.)


| page-template             |

|                           |

|       +---------------+   |

|       | post-template |   |

|       +---------------+   |

|                           |


This template does not control how a blog post is laid out on an index page such as "/index.html" or "/tags/<some-tag>.html" for that, see Index template.

The main purpose of this template is to specify things like Disqus comments, Tweet and +1 sharing buttons, and older/newer links — things that only make sense in the context of pages dedicated to one blog post.

Anything in the file that looks like @variable or @|variable| is a template variable supplied by Frog. Most of these should be self-explanatory from their name and from seeing how they are used in the default template.

template variable

title : string?

The title of the post.

template variable

uri-prefix : string?

Effectively (or (current-uri-prefix) "").

template variable

uri-path : string?

The path portion of the URI, e.g. /path/to/file.html.

template variable

full-uri : string?

The full URI, e.g. http://example.com/path/to/file.html.

template variable

date-8601 : string?

The post date as a string, "YYYY-MM-DD".

template variable

date-struct : date?

The post date as a racket/date date struct.

template variable

date : string?

HTML to show the date of the post in a <time> element.

template variable

tags : string?

HTML to show the tags of the post as links.

template variable

date+tags : string?

HTML to show the date and tags of the post.

template variable

content : string?

The content of the post.

template variable

older-uri : (or/c string? #f)

The URI string of the next older post, if any.

template variable

older-title : (or/c string? #f)

The title of the next older post, if any.

template variable

newer-uri : (or/c string? #f)

The URI string of the next newer post, if any.

template variable

newer-title : (or/c string? #f)

The title of the next newer post, if any.

5.3 Index template🔗ℹ

The "index-template.html" template determines how blog posts are laid out on index pages.

Typically it would be similar to your Post template, but without some "footer" items like comments or previous/next post buttons.


| page-template              |

|                            |

|       +----------------+   |

|       | index-template |   |

|       +----------------+   |

|                            |

|       +----------------+   |

|       | index-template |   |

|       +----------------+   |

|                            |

|       +----------------+   |

|       | index-template |   |

|       +----------------+   |

|              . . .         |

|                            |


Anything in the file that looks like @variable or @|variable| is a template variable supplied by Frog. Most of these should be self-explanatory from their name and from seeing how they are used in the default template.

template variable

title : string?

The title of the post.

template variable

uri-prefix : string?

Effectively (or (current-uri-prefix) "").

template variable

uri-path : string?

The path portion of the URI, e.g. /path/to/file.html.

template variable

full-uri : string?

The full URI, e.g. http://example.com/path/to/file.html.

template variable

date-8601 : string?

The post date as a string, "YYYY-MM-DD".

template variable

date-struct : date?

The post date as a date struct.

template variable

date : string?

HTML to show the date of the post in a <time> element.

template variable

tags : string?

HTML to show the tags of the post as links.

template variable

date+tags : string?

HTML to show the date and tags of the post.

template variable

content : string?

The content of the post plus a "More.." link when needed.

template variable

content-only : string?

The content of the post, only.

template variable

more? : boolean?

Is the content just a blurb?

5.4 Template Example🔗ℹ

Let’s say you want to customize the date display format of your posts. Instead of the default ISO-8601 YYYY-MM-DD format, you want it to be the default of Racket’s date->string function. Here is what you could do in your Index template:


@(local-require racket/date)



    <h2><a href='@|uri-path|'>@|title|</a></h2>

    <p class='date-and-tags'>

      <time datetime='@|date-8601|' pubdate='true'>

        @(date->string date-struct)


      :: @|tags|</p>




If you need to require a Racket module in your template, you must use local-require. Plain require won’t work because the template is not evaluated at a module level or top level.

5.5 General Template Tips🔗ℹ

5.5.1 Use |s to delimit template variables🔗ℹ

Because Racket is extremely liberal in valid characters for identifiers, you may need to use pipe characters to delimit a template variable from surrounding text.

For example <p>@foo</p> will read as if foo</p> were the identifier, because that is a perfectly valid identifier name in Racket. Instead you can write: <p>@|foo|</p>.

It is probaby simplest to get in the habit of always using @|variable| so you don’t need to think about when it’s necessary.

5.5.2 Use local-require in templates🔗ℹ

If you need to require a Racket module in your template, you must use local-require. Plain require won’t work because the template is not evaluated at a module level or top level.

5.5.3 Literal @🔗ℹ

In @ Syntax, @ has special meaning. How do you write a literal @ in your template? Use @"@". For example if you need to write an email address: foo@"@"bar.com renders as foo@bar.com.

Understanding why this works may help you remember it:

  1. @ means "evaluate the following s-expression as Racket code".

  2. "@" is the Racket expression for the string literal @.

  3. Therefore @"@" evaluates to the string "@" and that is the text produced by your template.

5.5.4 More🔗ℹ

See also Gotchas.

5.6 Widgets🔗ℹ

In addition to the variables described above for each template, some predefined functions are available for templates to use: “widgets”.

Anything a widget can do, you could code directly in the template. There’s no magic. But widgets minimize clutter in the templates. Plus they make clearer what are the user-specific parameters (as opposed to putting stuff like <!-- CHANGE THIS! --> in the template).

See the example page template and example post template for usage examples.

If you’d like to add a widget, pull requests are welcome!

 (require frog/widgets) package: frog

In your templates, this module is already required.


(older/newer-links older-uri    
  [#:for-bs for-bs])  list?
  older-uri : (or/c #f string?)
  older-title : (or/c #f string?)
  newer-uri : (or/c #f string?)
  newer-title : (or/c #f string?)
  for-bs : (or/c 3 4) = 3
Returns HTML either for for a Bootstrap 3 pager style older/newer navigation, or for a Bootstrap 4 page-navigation one, depending on the for-bs argument which can be either 3 or 4


(disqus-comments short-name    
  [#:identifier identifier    
  #:title title    
  #:url url    
  #:category-id category-id])  list?
  short-name : string?
  identifier : (or/c #f string? number?) = #f
  title : (or/c #f string?) = #f
  url : (or/c #f string?) = #f
  category-id : (or/c #f string?) = #f
Disqus comments. Typically used in Post template. See the documentation for the usage of each parameter. #f in an optional parameter indicates the parameter is left undefined.


(livefyre site-id)  list?

  site-id : string?


(intense-debate id-account)  list?

  id-account : string?


(google-universal-analytics account)  list?

  account : string?
For users of “universal” analytics ("analytics.js").


(google-analytics account domain)  list?

  account : string?
  domain : string?
For users of “classic” analytics ("ga.js").


(google-plus-share-button full-uri)  list?

  full-uri : string?
Typically used in a Post template.


(twitter-follow-button name [label])  list?

  name : string?
  label : (or/c #f string?) = #f
Typically used in a Page template.


(twitter-timeline user    
  [#:width width    
  #:height height    
  #:lang lang    
  #:theme data-theme    
  #:link-color data-link-color    
  #:border-color data-border-color    
  #:tweet-limit data-tweet-limit    
  #:chrome data-chrome    
  #:aria-polite data-aria-polite    
  #:related data-related])  list?
  user : string?
  widget-id : string?
  width : (or/c #f number?) = #f
  height : (or/c #f number?) = #f
  lang : (or/c #f string?) = #f
  data-theme : (or/c #f string?) = #f
  data-link-color : (or/c #f string?) = #f
  data-border-color : (or/c #f string?) = #f
  data-tweet-limit : (or/c #f string?) = #f
  data-chrome : (or/c #f string?) = #f
  data-aria-polite : (or/c #f string?) = #f
  data-related : (or/c #f string?) = #f
See https://dev.twitter.com/docs/embedded-timelines for instructions how to create a timeline and get its “widget ID”.


(twitter-share-button uri)  list?

  uri : string?
Typically used in a Post template.


(gist username id)  list?

  username : string?
  id : string?
Include a gist.


(math-jax [#:src src #:config config])  list?

  src : string?
   = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.5/MathJax.js"
  config : (or/c #f string?) = "TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML"
  1. Use this in the <head> of your Page template.

  2. In your markdown source files, use \\( some math \\) for inline and \\[ some math \\] for display. Note the double backslashes, \\, because in markdown \ already has a meaning.

  3. You can specify the source URL and configuration options with the src & config arguments: they default to something reasonable. If the config argument is given as #f then the configuration is omitted, which which is right for MathJax 3. In this case you either will need to use one of the default setups or hand-craft your own configuration.


(piwik site domain)  list?

  site : string?
  domain : string?
Add Piwik tracking code to your template.