On this page:
string-immutable/  c
path-string-immutable/  c
with-output-to-file/  unless-exn

9 General Utilities🔗


string-immutable/c : flat-contract?

(and/c string?


path-string-immutable/c : flat-contract?

(or/c path? (and/c string-immutable/c
Contracts recognizing immutable strings and path or string values, respectively.


trimmed-string-px : pregexp? = #px"^[^\\s]$|^[^\\s].*[^\\s]$"

Matches non-empty strings that neither start nor end with whitespace.


(title<? a b)  any/c

  a : string-immutable/c
  b : string-immutable/c
Like string-ci<?, but performs additional normalization on a and b appropriate for titles, such as ignoring the first word if it is A, An, or The.

Use this function with sort to alphabetize by title.


(with-output-to-file/unless-exn path    
  [#:mode mode-flag    
  #:exists exists-flag    
  #:buffer buffer])  any/c
  path : path-string?
  thunk : (-> any/c)
  mode-flag : (or/c 'binary 'text) = 'binary
  exists-flag : 
(or/c 'error 'append 'update
      'replace 'truncate 'truncate/replace)
   = 'error
  buffer : (or/c 'memory 'file) = 'memory
Like with-output-to-file, but does not open path for writing unless thunk returns without raising an exception. In contrast, using with-output-to-file with an exists-flag like 'replace may delete existing data, even if thunk raises an exception without writing anything.

The buffer argument, if given, controls where the data is actually written duting the call to thunk. If it is 'memory (the default), an internal Racket pipe is used; otherwise, if it is 'file, with-output-to-file/unless-exn uses a temporary file.

(An additional difference from with-output-to-file is that thunk is currently limited to a single return value.)