On this page:
7.1 My Ideal Query Language
7.1.1 Rule of Power
7.1.2 Rule of Uniformity
7.1.3 Rule of Polymorphism
7.2 Plisqin Desugared
7.3 Open Questions and Shortcomings
7.3.1 The Limit/  Offset Problem
7.3.2 Nominal vs Structural Typing Basic Structural Typing is not Good Enough A Hybrid Approach?
7.3.3 Lateral Joins
7.3.4 Nullability and exists
7.4 Other Random Thoughts
7.4.1 Cardinality
7.4.2 Separating Specification from Implementation

7 Plisqin as a Research Language🔗ℹ

7.1 My Ideal Query Language🔗ℹ

To me, the perfect query language for relational databases must satisfy at least the following rules.

(There are other qualities that my perfect query language must have, but I cannot distill them into simple rules. The generalized sales-report created in the Using define-schema walkthrough is a good example.)

7.1.1 Rule of Power🔗ℹ

If the database knows a fact about some table T, then it must be possible to encode that fact into a function that takes a single argument representing a row in the table T.

For example, assume that "total sales since 2004" is a fact that our database knows about the Product table. Plisqin allows you to encode that fact into a procedure as follows:
(define/contract (total-sales-since-2004 product)
  (-> (instanceof Product) Number?)
  (error "to be implemented"))

Note that the choice of implementation is not important here. What is important is the contract (or "type signature", if you prefer).

Also, it would be silly not to make "2004" an argument in real code. The "single argument" mandate is a litmus test for language designers, not a recommendation for end users of the language.

7.1.2 Rule of Uniformity🔗ℹ

There must be a uniform call-site syntax for every kind of fact, regardless of how that fact is implemented.

This rule is intended to insulate calling code from changes in implementation. For example, let’s imagine that "total sales" is a fact about the Product table. In Plisqin, the call-site syntax is always (total-sales product). The implementation might be any of the following
  • A simple access of the Product.TotalSales column

  • An access of the ProductStats.TotalSales column, assuming that Product:ProductStats is a 1:1 relationship

  • A subquery of the SalesOrderDetail table, assuming that Product:SalesOrderDetail is a 1:many relationship

  • A grouped join aggregation of the SalesOrderDetail table, assuming that Product:SalesOrderDetail is a 1:many relationship

  • A stored procedure call

... or anything else. The implementation does not matter. What matters is being able to change the implementation without breaking the call sites.

This rule does not prohibit other non-uniform syntaxes from being supported. For example, your uniform syntax might be product..total_sales but you could also support product.total_sales which would raise an error if total_sales is not a direct column access of the table identified by product.

7.1.3 Rule of Polymorphism🔗ℹ

If the database knows the same fact about multiple tables T1 .. TN, then it must be possible to encode that fact into a function that accepts a single argument representing a row in any of the tables T1 .. TN.

For example, assume that CategoryName is a fact about the Category table, and CategoryName is also a fact about the Subcategory table. This rule states that it must be possible to create a CategoryName function that will work whether it is passed a Category or a Subcategory.

This rule is the main motivation behind define-schema. But users of Plisqin could also write polymorphic functions by hand, as follows:
(define/contract (CategoryName x)
  (-> (or/c (instanceof Category)
            (instanceof Subcategory))
    [((instanceof Category) x)
     (%%scalar x".CategoryName")]
    [((instanceof Subcategory) x)
     ; this will recurse with an (instanceof Category)
     (CategoryName (join cat Category #:to x
                         (join-on (.= (CategoryID cat)
                                      (CategoryID x)))))]))

7.2 Plisqin Desugared🔗ℹ

The following example shows how the Teaser from the define-schema walkthrough can be recreated using the smallest possible subset of Plisqin. Here we will use the unsafe variant because it will be cumbersome to avoid typecheck and nullcheck errors without using define-schema.
(require (only-in plisqin
                  instanceof to-sql
                  from join limit
                  %%scalar %%aggregate
                  %%select %%join-on %%group-by %%order-by)
         (prefix-in aw: plisqin-examples/adventure-works))
(define (undefined name arg)
  (error (format "~a is not defined for:"
(define (ProductName x)
    [((instanceof 'Product) x)
     (%%scalar x".Name")]
     (undefined 'ProductName x)]))
(define (ProductID x)
    [((instanceof 'Product) x)
     (%%scalar x".ProductID")]
    [((instanceof 'SalesOrderDetail) x)
     (%%scalar x".ProductID")]
     (undefined 'ProductID x)]))
(define (CategoryName x)
    [((instanceof 'ProductCategory) x)
     (%%scalar x".Name")]
     (CategoryName (ProductCategory x))]))
(define (ProductCategory x)
    [((instanceof 'ProductSubcategory) x)
     (join pc 'ProductCategory #:to x
           (%%join-on pc".ProductCategoryID = "x".ProductCategoryID"))]
     (ProductCategory (ProductSubcategory x))]))
(define (ProductSubcategory x)
    [((instanceof 'Product) x)
     (join subcat 'ProductSubcategory #:to x
           (%%join-on subcat".ProductSubcategoryID = "x".ProductSubcategoryID"))]
     (undefined 'ProductSubcategory x)]))
(define (DetailsG x)
    [((instanceof 'Product) x)
     (join dtls 'SalesOrderDetail #:to x
           (%%group-by (ProductID dtls))
           (%%join-on (ProductID dtls)" = "(ProductID x)))]
     (undefined 'DetailsG x)]))
(define (TotalSales x)
    [((instanceof 'Product) x)
     (let* ([dtls (DetailsG x)]
            [line-total (%%scalar dtls".LineTotal")])
       (%%aggregate "sum("line-total")"))]
     (undefined 'TotalSales x)]))
(define the-query
  (from p 'Product
        (%%select (ProductName p)" as ProductName")
        (%%select (CategoryName p)" as CategoryName")
        (%%select (TotalSales p)" as TotalSales")
        (%%order-by 'desc (TotalSales p))))
 (from x the-query
       (limit 3)))

ProductName             CategoryName TotalSales        

---                     ---          ---               

Mountain-200 Black, 38 Bikes        4400592.800400055

Mountain-200 Black, 42 Bikes        4009494.761841063

Mountain-200 Silver, 38 Bikes        3693678.0252720583

7.3 Open Questions and Shortcomings🔗ℹ

Plisqin is closer to my ideal query language than anything else I’ve tried. But there are still some rough edges that could be improved.

7.3.1 The Limit/Offset Problem🔗ℹ

See this issue.

This problem highlights the fact that a scalar is more than just a data type (such as Number?) and a nullability (such as no). There is at least one more aspect, which I called "static" in the Github issue, which is relevant here. But can we always know whether an expression is "static", or does it depend on where it is being used...?

An easy way around this is to add unsafe versions of limit and offset, but that is not interesting from a research perspective.

7.3.2 Nominal vs Structural Typing🔗ℹ

Plisqin currently satisfies the Rule of Polymorphism using nominal typing. Specifically, it uses instanceof to dispatch:
(define (CategoryName x)
    [((instanceof ProductCategory) x)
     (%%scalar x".Name")]
    [((instanceof ProductSubcategory) x)
     ; presumably (ProductCategory x) is returning a join here
     (CategoryName (ProductCategory x))]))

As long as you have an instance of ProductCategory or ProductSubcategory, the previous function works fine. But the following example will not work:
(from x (subquery (from pc ProductCategory
                        (%%select "42 as Blah")))
      (select (CategoryName x)))

Should x be considered an (instanceof ProductCategory)? Absolutely not! It has none of the columns that we expect an instance of ProductCategory to have. That was a silly example, so consider another one:
(from x (subquery (from pc ProductCategory
                        (select (Name pc))))
      (select (CategoryName x)))

This time, the previous example would actually work if we consider x to be an (instanceof ProductCategory). This highlights the problem. A subquery might have some but not all of the columns that a normal instance of the same table would have.

This turns out not to be a big problem because the query composition techniques that Plisqin encourages make subqueries less common. Still, my ideal query language probably needs an answer to this problem. Basic Structural Typing is not Good Enough🔗ℹ

In theory, a structural type system could notice that the subquery and the ProductCategory table are structurally identical. That is, they have the same column names and types. But a purely structural approach makes dispatch awkward. How would we redefine CategoryName using structural typing?
(define (CategoryName x)
    [(looks-like-a-category? x)
     (%%scalar x".Name")]
     (CategoryName (ProductCategory x))]))

I omitted the definition of looks-like-a-category? because I don’t think there is a good answer. We could check that it has a numeric ProductCategoryID column and a string Name column, but that is probably not accurate. After all, the ProductSubcategory table might also have those two columns, but its Name is not the same as a ProductCategory’s Name. (This problem could be avoided by renaming the columns to CategoryName and SubcategoryName, but this places constraints on the design of the database schema, which Plisqin does not want to do.) A Hybrid Approach?🔗ℹ

One possibility is to allow something like the following
(%%subquery #:instanceof ProductCategory
            "select *, 'hello world' as Greeting from ProductCategory")

This would mean that when that subquery is used as a queryable, the instance would be an (instanceof ProductCategory). And based on what we know about SQL, this would work just fine (assuming that ProductCategory table does not already have a Greeting column).

Now consider the following:
(subquery #:instanceof ProductCategory
          (from pc ProductCategory
                (select (ProductCategoryID pc))
                (select (Name pc))))

The previous subquery can pass for an (instanceof ProductCategory) as long as we only ever attempt to access its ProductCategoryID and Name columns. If we attempt to access any other column, it will be an error. This might be reasonable behavior and possible to make well-defined.

Basically, we use #:instanceof to guide the dispatcher, but we accept that we might still encounter a structural type error later if we dispatch into some code that needs a column that is missing from the instance.

7.3.3 Lateral Joins🔗ℹ

Currently Plisqin has no support for lateral joins (aka "cross apply" / "outer apply" in SQL Server). Adding support won’t be hard, but there is a decision that needs to be made.

The following join should be a lateral join. This is because the %%where clause contains a "foreign instance" (namely x) that comes from an outer scope.

There is nothing special about %%where here. It is more accurate to say that join-on is special in that it does not exhibit this behavior.

> (define lateral-example
    (from x 'X
          (join y 'Y
                (join-type 'left)
                (%%where y".foo = "x".foo"))))
; This SQL is invalid because Plisqin has no support for lateral joins:
> (displayln (to-sql lateral-example))

select x.*

from X x

left join (

  select y.*

  from Y y

  where y.foo = x.foo

) y

   on 1=1

Plisqin could easily detect the "foreign instance" in the previous example, and automatically generate a lateral join. Should it? I think...
  • If the user explicitly says "lateral join", then generate a lateral join.

  • If the user explicitly says "non-lateral join", then generate a normal join. Raise an error if a foreign instance is detected.

  • If the user does not say anything, generate a lateral join when necessary and a normal join otherwise.

A user who doesn’t like that decision should be able to easily redefine join to be non-lateral by default.

7.3.4 Nullability and exists🔗ℹ

From this section: Task 3: Products with Non-Zero Sales

We define the equivalent of this procedure
(define/contract (HasSales? prd)
  (-> (instanceof Product) Boolish?)
  (exists (from dtl SalesOrderDetail
                (where (.= (ProductID dtl)
                           (ProductID prd))))))

But the problem is, what if the given prd is a left join? We will fail with a nullability error. So we could add a fallback, but even that doesn’t feel right. This feels like one of the rare times when we want to preserve the unknown boolean value.

I think we want the call-site pattern to be as follows:
(where (coalesce (HasSales? product)
                 (val #f)))

The caller could also choose not to coalesce at all if it knows that that the instance it passes in is not a left join.

But how to implement this? There are a couple of problems. First, if we switch to %%= the nullability of the where clause will be yes, but the queries do not have a notion of nullability. If they did, what does it mean for a query to be nullable? Does it only affect exists? Is a query nullable when any of its clauses are nullable?

Second, even if we have a well-defined way to make the (exists ....) token nullable, that doesn’t seem to help because in SQL "exists" never returns the unknown boolean value. This would make SQL generation very difficult or maybe impossible. Reconsider the following call site:
(where (coalesce (HasSales? product)
                 (val #f)))

What SQL should be generated? Do you have an answer that generalizes? If so, please let me know, because I’m stumped.

7.4 Other Random Thoughts🔗ℹ

7.4.1 Cardinality🔗ℹ

For example, I would like to be able to assert "this query should return at most one row per ProductCategory" and have Plisqin error if it can prove that I wrong or warn if it cannot prove that I am correct.

A very unsophisticated solution works similar to nullability, where we need the user to give us hints like #:has-one so we know that a join is singular. I wonder if such an unsophisticated soluation would be useful at all, or if it just means that the user makes the same mistake in a different place.

A sophisticated solution requires deep knowledge of the database schema. Which columns are unique keys of each table? Which comparison expressions are guaranteed to match exactly one row? This gets super tricky when you think about collation.

7.4.2 Separating Specification from Implementation🔗ℹ

Barring tremendous leaps in query optimizers (which are already amazing IMO), I think many projects would benefit from having two database languages. A "specification language", something like Plisqin, would be used by application developers to define what result set they need from the DB. The "implementation language" would be used by DBAs to tell the database how a certain query from the specification language should be implemented. Things like query hints obviously belong in the implementation language, but so do decisions like choosing between a negative join or "not exists".

SQL (and therefore Plisqin) combine specification and implementation. In other words, from a certain level SQL is not actually declarative. I don’t think this is a huge flaw of SQL. Forcing users to write a specification and an implementation for every single query would not be a good language design. A good language would be able to support both workflows.

Cosette looks promising. For example, an application developer uses Plisqin as the specification language. Plisqin generates SQL which might be very inefficient. A DBA hand-crafts SQL that is acceptably efficient. Cosette ensures that the hand-written SQL is equivalent to Plisqin’s SQL.