2 Building Packages with VirtualBox🔗ℹ

First, install VirtualBox and ensure that VBoxManage is in your path.

You will need to create a suitable VirtualBox virtual machine containing a Linux distribution (we recommend any recent version of Ubuntu). See Starting Image Requirements for more information about the content of a suitable starting image. With those dependencies in place, you will need to configure the virtual machine:
  • Create a racket user.

  • Ensure that the racket user can run sudo without a password.

  • Install the OpenSSH server, and add your public key from "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" on your host to the racket user’s list of authorized keys in "~/.ssh/authorized_keys" on the virtual machine.

  • Switch the virtual machine to host-only networking and take note of its IP address.

  • Take a snapshot of the virtual machine called init.

  • Shut down the virtual machine.

In the "pkg-build" package sources, see the "examples/vbox" directory for an example use of build-pkgs with VirtualBox.