Infix Expressions for Racket
1 Getting Started
A simple example, calculating 1+2*3.
#lang racket (require infix) ($ "1+2*3")
($ str ...)
1.1 Arithmetical Operations
The arithmetical operations +, -, *, / and ^ is written with standard mathematical notation. Normal parentheseses are used for grouping.
#lang at-exp racket (require infix) @${2*(1+3^4)} ; evaluates to 164
1.2 Identifiers
Identifiers refer to the current lexical scope:
#lang at-exp racket (require infix) (define x 41) @${x+1} ; evaluates to 42
1.3 Application
Function application use square brackets (as does Mathematica). Here sqrt is bound to the square root function defined in the language after at-exp, here the racket language.
#lang at-exp racket (require infix) (display (format "The square root of 64 is ~a\n" @${sqrt[64]})) @${list[1,2,3]} ; evaluates to the list '(1 2 3)
1.4 Lists
Lists are written with curly brackets {}.
#lang at-exp racket (require infix) @${{1,2,1+2}} ; evaluates to '(1 2 3)
1.5 List Reference
List reference is written with double square brackets.
#lang at-exp racket (require infix) (define xs '(a b c)) @${xs[[1]]} ; evaluates to b
1.6 Anonymous Functions
The syntax (Ξ» ids . expr) where ids are a space separated list of identifiers evaluates to function in which the ids are bound in body expressions.
#lang at-exp racket (require infix) @${ (Ξ».1)[] } ; evaluates to 1 @${ (Ξ»x.x+1)[2]} ; evaluates to 3 @${ (Ξ»x y.x+y+1)[1,2]} ; evaluates to 4
1.7 Square Roots
Square roots can be written with a literal square root:
#lang at-exp racket (require infix) @${β4} ; evaluates to 2 @${β(2+2)} ; evaluates to 2
1.8 Comparisons
The comparison operators <, =, >, <=, and >= are available. The syntaxes β€ and β₯ for <= and >= respectively, works too. Inequality is tested with <>.
1.9 Logical Negation
Logical negations is written as Β¬.
#lang at-exp racket (require infix) (define true #t) @${Β¬true} ; evaluates to #f @${Β¬(1<2)} ; evaluates to #f
1.10 Assignment
Assignment is written with := .
1.11 Sequencing
A series of expresions can be evaluated by interspersing semi colons between the expressions.
#lang at-exp racket |
(require infix) |
(define x 0) |
@${ x:=1 ; x+3 } ; evaluates to 4 |
2 Examples
2.1 Example: Fibonacci
This problem is from the Euler Project.
Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be:
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...
Find the sum of all the even-valued terms in the sequence which do not exceed four million.
#lang at-exp racket (require infix "while.rkt") (define-values (f g t) (values 1 2 0)) (define sum f) @${ while[ g< 4000000, when[ even?[g], sum:=sum+g]; t := f + g; f := g; g := t]; sum}
#lang racket (provide while) ; SYNTAX (while expr body ...) ; 1. evaluate expr ; 2. if expr was true then evaluate body ... and go to 1. ; 3. return (void) (require (for-syntax syntax/parse)) (define-syntax (while stx) (syntax-parse stx [(_while expr body ...) #'(let loop () (when expr body ... (loop)))]))
2.2 Example: Difference Between a Sum of Squares and the Square of a Sum
This problem is from the Euler Project.
The sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers is, 1^2 + 2^2 + ... + 10^2 = 385 The square of the sum of the first ten natural numbers is, (1 + 2 + ... + 10)^2 = 552 = 3025 Hence the difference between the sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers and the square of the sum is 3025 - 385 = 2640.
Find the difference between the sum of the squares of the first one hundred natural numbers and the square of the sum.
#lang at-exp racket (require infix "while.rkt") (define n 0) (define ns 0) (define squares 0) (define sum 0) @${ sum:=0; while[ n<100, n := n+1; ns := ns+n; squares := squares + n^2]; ns^2-squares }
The example above also shows that Scribble syntax can be used.
2.3 Example: Pythagorean Triplets
This example is from the Euler Project.
A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural numbers, a,b,c for which, a^2 + b^2 = c^2 For example, 3^2 + 4^2 = 9 + 16 = 25 = 5^2.
There exists exactly one Pythagorean triplet for which a + b + c = 1000. Find the product abc.
#lang at-exp racket (require infix) (let-values ([(a b c) (values 0 0 0)]) (let/cc return (for ([k (in-range 1 100)]) (for ([m (in-range 2 1000)]) (for ([n (in-range 1 m)]) @${ a := k* 2*m*n; b := k* (m^2 - n^2); c := k* (m^2 + n^2); when[ a+b+c = 1000, display[{{k,m,n}, {a,b,c}}]; newline[]; return[a*b*c] ]})))))
2.4 Example: Miller Rabin Primality Test
This example was inspired by Programming Praxis:
#lang at-exp racket (require infix) (require (only-in math/base random-integer)) (define (factor2 n) ; return r and s, s.t n = 2^r * s where s odd ; invariant: n = 2^r * s (let loop ([r 0] [s n]) (let-values ([(q r) (quotient/remainder s 2)]) (if (zero? r) (loop (+ r 1) q) (values r s))))) (define (miller-rabin n) ; Input: n odd (define (mod x) (modulo x n)) (define (expt x m) (cond [(zero? m) 1] [(even? m) @${mod[sqr[x^(m/2)] ]}] [(odd? m) @${mod[x*x^(m-1)]}])) (define (check? a) (let-values ([(r s) (factor2 (sub1 n))]) ; is a^s congruent to 1 or -1 modulo n ? (and @${member[a^s,{1,mod[-1]}]} #t))) (andmap check? (build-list 50 (Ξ» (_) (+ 2 (random-integer 0 (- n 3))))))) (define (prime? n) (cond [(< n 2) #f] [(= n 2) #t] [(even? n) #f] [else (miller-rabin n)])) (prime? @${2^89-1})