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8 Body enhancers🔗ℹ

You may call these functions in the enhance-body function in your darwin.rkt.

 (require darwin/enhance-body) package: darwin

(This module is automatically required for you by the darwin/config language used in darwin.rkt.)


(syntax-highlight x-expressions 
  [#:python-executable python-executable 
  #:line-numbers? line-numbers? 
  #:css-class css-class]) 
  (listof txexpr?)
  x-expressions : (listof txexpr?)
  python-executable : path-string?
(if (eq? (system-type) 'windows)
  line-numbers? : boolean? = #t
  css-class : string? = "source"
Use Pygments to highlight markdown code blocks. Tip: In Scribble format sources, you can use pygment-code.

The value of python-executable is given to find-executable-path, so the default "python" will work if the version of Python that Pygments wants is on the path.


(auto-embed-tweets xs #:parents? parents?)  (listof xexpr/c)

  xs : (listof xexpr/c)
  parents? : boolean?
Replace links to tweets with embedded tweets. In markdown, must be auto-links alone in a paragraph (blank lines above and below), for example:


When parents? is true also embeds parent tweets.


(add-racket-doc-links xs    
  #:code? code?    
  #:prose? prose?)  (listof xexpr/c)
  xs : (listof xexpr/c)
  code? : boolean?
  prose? : boolean?
When code? is true, try to automatically link to Racket documentation from symbols in ```racket markdown fenced code blocks.

When prose? is true, try to automatically link to Racket documentation from symbols in markdown of the form `symbol`[racket]? i.e. This is similar to the @racket[] form in Scribble.