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1 A Metaprogramming Language🔗ℹ

 #lang medic package: medic
The Medic debugger treats debugging as a metaprogramming activity. Programmers write a debugging program to augment the source program with desirable debugging behaviors without changing the source program. The separation of a debugging program from a source program enables reusing and programming of the debugging interaction as well as keeping the source program intact. The debugging program can serve as a form of documentation, which preserves the efforts invested in debugging, and act as something akin to testing suites that run against a modified program later during the process of software development.

Here is the grammar for the Medic metaprogramming language:

  top-level-form = layer-def...
  layer-def = (layer layer-id layer-form ...)
  | (layer layer-id #:enable flag layer-form ...)
  layer-form = (export id ...)
  | (import layer-id ...)
  | debug-def
  | (in #:module module-name match-form ...)
  debug-def = (define-source debug-src-id source-expr)
  | (define-source (debug-src-id arg-id ...) source-expr ...)
  | (define-match debug-id match-form)
  | (define-match (debug-id arg-id ...) match-form ...)
  match-form = (with-behavior f template)
  | (with-behavior f template #:renamed ret id)
  | match-ref-form
  | insert-form
  | [each-function insert-form ...]
  | [(f ...) insert-form ...]
  insert-form = border-form
  | at-form
  border-form = [on-entry source-expr ...]
  | [on-exit source-expr ...]
  at-form = [at location-form border-form ...]
  | [at location-form #:before location-form border-form ...]
  | [at location-form #:after location-form border-form ...]
  | [at location-form #:before location-form #:after location-form border-form ...]
  location-form = target-language-expression
  | expression-pattern
  source-expr = src-ref-form
  | target-language-expression
  match-ref-form = debug-id
  | (debug-id match-arg ...)
  src-ref-form = debug-src-id
  | (debug-src-id src-arg ...)
  flag = boolean
  f = variable-not-otherwise-mentioned
  id = variable-not-otherwise-mentioned
  layer-id = variable-not-otherwise-mentioned
  (debug-src-id arg-id) = variable-not-otherwise-mentioned
  debug-id = variable-not-otherwise-mentioned


(layer layer-id layer-form ...)

(layer layer-id #:enable flag layer-form ...)
Modularizes debugging code and facilitates organizing debugging traces into different units. The #:enable keyword permits enabling and disabling adding to the source code the debugging behaviors described within layer-form, while the debugging definitions within the layer are still available to other layers.


(export id ...)

Declares exports of a layer where the id is the identifier of an internal layer definition.


(import layer-id ...)

Declares imports of a layer where the layer-id is some layer identifier.


(define-source debug-src-id source-expr)

(define-source (debug-src-id arg-id ...) source-expr ...)
Binds debug-src-id to a sequence of source expressions.


(define-match debug-id match-form)

(define-match (debug-id arg-id ...) match-form ...)
Binds debug-id to a sequence of match forms.


(in #:module module-name match-expr ...)

Specifies the module to apply debugging code. The module-name can be three kinds of paths: a relative path, an absolute path, or a library path. For example, the following are possible specifications for module-name.
; a relative path
(in #:module "src.rkt" ....)
; an absolute path
(in #:module (file "/home/xiangqi/test/src.rkt" ....))
; a library path
(in #:module test/src ....)


(with-behavior f template)

(with-behavior f template #:renamed ret id)
Defines the logging behavior of the f function call. The form of template is @{text-body}. In text-body, @expr enables the evaluation of an expression expr with access to functions’ arguments and return value. A function’s arguments can be accessed by par where par is the parameter’s name. By default, ret reveals the return value of a function. To avoid confusions of referring to some argument with ret name rather than the default return value, use #:renamed ret id explicitly to rename the symbol of the return value. For example,

(with-behavior f @{f takes @x and @y and returns @ret})
(with-behavior f @{f takes @x and @ret and returns @ret1} #:renamed ret ret1)

See Tracing Log for more information.


function-name : (or/c #f string?)

Returns the function name for the current scope of evaluation of @funtion-name. The debugging primitive @funtion-name exposes the run-time function scope, which is only available to debuggers, to programmers.


[each-function insert-form ...]

Adds a sequence of insert-forms to every function defined in the module.


[(f ...) insert-form ...]

Supports function-level matching where (f ...) constrains the scope of a sequence of insert-form to be within one or more functions. The fourth clause of the match-form non-terminal is module-level matching.


[at location-form border-form ...]

[at location-form #:before location-form border-form ...]
[at location-form #:after location-form border-form ...]
[at location-form #:before location-form #:after location-form border-form ...]
Supports expression-level matching of the target expression location-form. For Racket, location-form can be any expression in the source program except internal definitions, such as the (define ....) form inside a function or the (let ....) local binding form. To avoid the confusions of multiple matches of location-form in the target program, specification of #:before and #:after can be employed to confine the lexical context of location-form. Expressions within location-form, or after #:before and #:after can be a legal source expression or an expression pattern with _ wildcard character matching any legal expression. For example,

[at (+ _ 1) #:before (define x (inc 4)) [on-entry (log x)]]


[on-entry source-expr ...]

Inserts a sequence of debugging code source-exprs before the target expression located by at-form, or at the beginning of a function or module depending on the scope of matching.


[on-exit source-expr ...]

Inserts a sequence of debugging code source-expr after the target expression located by at-form, or at the end of a function or module depending on the scope of matching.